Interesseret i at blive censor?

Her kan du registrere, hvilke(t) censorkorps på Erhvervsakademierne, du er interesseret i at blive censor i. Når der kan søges om beskikkelse som ekstern censor, vil du modtage besked pr. mail.

Udfyld felterne ’Navn’ og ’Mailadresse’ og marker hvilke(t) censorkorps, du er interesseret i.

Tryk derefter på ’Registrer’.

Ansøgningsskemaet vil være åbent i forbindelse med ny- og evt. efterbeskikkelse.

For mere information om beskikkelsesperioder m.v. - klik her.

Interested in becoming an external examinator?

Here you can register which corps of external examiners at The Business Academies that is or are in your interest. When it is possible to apply for appointment as external examiner, you will get informed by email.

Please fill in the fields “Navn” with your name and “Mailadresse” with your email address and indicate which corps of external examiners that is of your interest.

Subsequently click “Registrer”.

The application document will be available in association with new - and if necessary later appointment.

For more information about appointment period etc.  - click here (in Danish).


Data opbevares i Censor-IT i overensstemmelse med GDPR, og slettes når der er afsendt besked om den/de valgte uddannelse(r).

By marking the check box you agree that data is stored in compliance with GDPR and will be deleted when we send a message to inform you about possibility to apply for the chosen corps of external examiners.